Consider cost functional

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{u}) & = & \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} f_n(\mathbf{u}) \qquad (2) \end{eqnarray*}\]
  • \(f(\cdot) : \mathbb{R}^M \mapsto \mathbb{R}\) is differentiable.

  • The opposite of the gradient, i.e. \(- \nabla F(\mathbf{u})\) always points towards the minimum \(\mathbf{u}^*\):

    \[\begin{eqnarray*} \forall\epsilon> 0 & & \inf_{\| \mathbf{u}-\mathbf{u}^* \|_2^2} \langle \mathbf{u}-\mathbf{u}^*, \nabla F(\mathbf{u}) \rangle > 0\end{eqnarray*}\]
  • Softmax loss function (for a full explanation see Lecture 3b’s introduction)

    \[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W}) & = & \sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}} \rangle + \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{l} \rangle }\right) \end{eqnarray*}\]


    • \(\mathbf{W} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times S }\)

    • \(L\) represent the number of classes

    • \(S\) represent the number of ‘features’

    • \(\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times S }\) represents the training dataset,


    • \(\mathbf{w}_l\) represents the l-th column of matrix \(\mathbf{W}\).

    • \(\mathbf{x}_n\) represents one training data.

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W}) & = & \frac{1}{N}\left( \sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}} \rangle + \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{l} \rangle }\right) \right) + \lambda \| \mathbf{W} \|_F^2 \end{eqnarray*}\]
def softmax_L2_cost(X, Y, W, lmbd):

    fCost = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-X.transpose().dot(W)), axis=1)))
    fCost += np.sum( X*W[:,Y] )

    fCost /= float(X.shape[1])

    if lmbd > 0:
       fCost += lmbd*(sum( np.power(W.ravel(),2) ))/float(X.shape[1])

    return fCost

\[\begin{eqnarray*} g(\mathbf{W}, {\cal{I}}_k) & = & \frac{1}{\#{\cal{I}}_k} \sum_{n \in {\cal{I}}_k} \nabla f_n(\mathbf{W}) \\ & & \\ f_n(\mathbf{W}) & = & \langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}} \rangle + \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{l} \rangle }\right) + \lambda \| \mathbf{W} \|_F^2 \end{eqnarray*}\]
def softmax_L2_grad(X, Y, W, n, lmbd):

    z = X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1)      # select batch elements

    g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1) )

    for k in range(len(n)):
        g[:,Y[n[k]] ] += z[:,k]     # Y is assumed to be ravel()

    g /= float(len(n))

    if lmbd > 0:
       g += lmbd*W

    return g
def stdPreproc(dIn, L=255.0, flagNorm=True, flagMean=True):

    dIn = dIn.astype("float")

    if flagNorm:
       dIn = dIn/L

    if flagMean:
       mean = np.mean(dIn, axis = 0)
       dIn -= mean

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10

(X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
#(X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()

# standard pre-processing
X     = stdPreproc(X)
Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

# if needed --> data vectorization
X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
Y     = Y.ravel()
Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

Problem: write you own SGD routine; as a test function use the Softmax function (as described in “Softmax loss” tab of the above panel); use the MNIST / CIFAR10 dataset and solve the multiclass classification problem using your SGD routine.

Proposed solution

Among other pausible alternatives, the SGD algorithm may be written as

def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):

    W = OptProb.randSol()

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        W = W - alpha*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats
def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
  • class that encapsultes a particular optimization problem.

  • Given the function \(F(\cdot) : \mathbb{R}^N \mapsto \mathbb{R}\), this class should implement

    • costFun: computes the cost functional.

    • gradFun: computes the gradient, i.e. \( \nabla F(\cdot) \).

    • randSol: generates a random initial solution

    • computeStats: gathers useful statistics (e.g. cost functional, current learning rate value, etc.).

    • computeSuccess: if a test dataset is given, then compute the succes rate.

class hosgdFunSoftMax(hosgdOptProb):
    r""" F(W)   = (1/N) \sum_n f_n(W)
         f_n(W) = < Xn, Wl_n > + log( \sum_l e^{ -< Xl, Wl >} )

    def __init__(self, X, Y, nClass, Xtest=None, Ytest=None, lmbd=0,
                 gNormOrd=2, Nstats=5, verbose=10, initSol=None):

        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.nClass = nClass
        self.Xtest = Xtest
        self.Ytest = Ytest
        self.lmbd = lmbd
        self.Nstats   = Nstats
        self.gNormOrd = gNormOrd
        self.verbose  = verbose
        self.initSol  = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution

    # ---------

    def costFun(self, W):

        fCost = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-self.X.transpose().dot(W)), axis=1)))
        fCost += np.sum( self.X*W[:,self.Y] )

        fCost /= float(self.X.shape[1])

        if self.lmbd > 0:
           fCost += self.lmbd*(sum( np.power(W.ravel(),2) ))/float(self.X.shape[1])

        return fCost

    # ---------

    def fwOp(self, W):

        return None

    # ---------

    def gradFun(self, W, n):

        z = self.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1)      # select batch elements

        g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1) )

        for k in range(len(n)):
            g[:,self.Y[n[k]] ] += z[:,k]

        g /= float(len(n))

        if self.lmbd > 0:
            g += self.lmbd*W

        return g

    # ---------

    def randSol(self):

        if self.initSol is None:
           rng = np.random.default_rng()
           rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initSol)

        return 0.01*rng.normal(size=[self.X.shape[0], self.nClass] )

    # ---------

    def computeStats(self, W, alpha, k, g):

        cost  = self.costFun(W)

        gNorm = self.gradNorm(g, self.gNormOrd)

        success = self.computeSuccess(W)

        return np.array([k, cost, alpha, gNorm, success])

    # ---------

    def computeSuccess(self, W):

        if self.Xtest is not None and self.Ytest is not None:
            classVal = -np.matmul(self.Xtest.transpose(), W)
            success = sum( np.argmax(classVal,axis=1) == self.Ytest )

            return float(success)/float(self.Xtest.shape[1])
            return None

    # ---------

    def printStats(self, k, nEpoch, v):

        if k == 0:

        if self.verbose > 0:

            if np.remainder(k,self.verbose)==0 or k==nEpoch-1:
                if v[k,4] is None:
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3]))
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}\n \t \
                          success rate (training): {:.3e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3],v[k,4]))


    # ---------

    def gradNorm(self, g, ord=2):

        if g is None:
           return -1.0

        if ord == 2:
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)**ord
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)


Total number of epochs.


Block size.


Initial learning rate.

  • class that encapsultes any functionality related to SGD’s hyper-parameters.

  • Up to this point, this class would only focus on replicating the initial learning rate \(\alpha_0\) or in implementing a Step-decay policy.

class hosgdHyperFunSGD(object):
    r"""Class related to routines associated to hyperPars computation

    def __init__(self, lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5):
        self.lrPolicy = lrPolicy
        self.LR   = self.sel_LR()
        self.lrSDecay = lrSDecay
        self.lrTau    = lrTau

    def sel_LR(self):
      switcher = {
          hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte.val:        self.lrCte,
          hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay.val:  self.lrStepDecay,

      lrFun = switcher.get(self.lrPolicy.val, "nothing")

      func = lambda u, alpha, k, g: lrFun(u, alpha, k, g)

      return func

    # --- === ---

    def lrCte(self, u, alpha, k, g):
        return alpha

    # --- === ---

    def lrStepDecay(self, u, alpha, k, g):
        return (self.lrTau**np.floor(k/self.lrSDecay))*alpha
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique

class lrSGD(Enum):
  Cte            = (0, 'Cte lerning rate')
  StepDecay      = (1, 'StepDecay')

  def __init__(self, val, txt):
      self.val  = val
      self.txt  = txt

  def printLR(cls):
      for k in cls:
        print('lrSGD.{}:'.format(, k.val, k.txt)


1. Load dataset
def stdPreproc(dIn, L=255.0, flagNorm=True, flagMean=True):

    dIn = dIn.astype("float")

    if flagNorm:
       dIn = dIn/L

    if flagMean:
       mean = np.mean(dIn, axis = 0)
       dIn -= mean

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10

(X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
#(X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()

# standard pre-processing
X     = stdPreproc(X)
Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

# if needed --> data vectorization
X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
Y     = Y.ravel()
Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

2. Load the optimization problem

    # --- Optimization model
    # --- (see "Parameters", "OptProb", "E.g. Softmax"
    #      in the tabbed panel above)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------

    nClasses = 10
    OptProb = hosgdFunSoftMax(X, Y, nClasses, verbose=1, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

3. Select the hyper-parameters routines

    # --- It is assumed that class 'lrSGD' is defined
    #     in file ''
    # --- (see "Parameters", "hyperFun", "class lrSGD"
    #      in the tabbed panel above)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------

    import HoSGDdefs as hosgdDef

    # --- hyperPars
    # --- (see "Parameters", "hyperFun", "E.g."
    #      in the tabbed panel above)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------

    hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(OptProb, lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte)

    # alternatively:
    # hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(OptProb, lrPolicy=lrPolicy, lrSDecay=lrSDecay, lrTau=lrTau)

4. Execute SGD

    # --- nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0: user defined.
    # --- OptProb: see #2 in the current list
    # --- hyperP: see #3 in the current list

    W, stats = hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

Full solution

from enum import Enum, IntEnum, unique

class lrSGD(Enum):
  Cte            = (0, 'Cte lerning rate')
  StepDecay      = (1, 'StepDecay')

  def __init__(self, val, txt):
      self.val  = val
      self.txt  = txt

  def printLR(cls):
      for k in cls:
        print('lrSGD.{}:'.format(, k.val, k.txt)

  ReLU          = (0, 'ReLU')
  RReLU         = (1, 'Rand ReLU')
  ELU           = (2, 'ELU')

  def __init__(self, val, txt):
      self.val  = val
      self.txt  = txt

  def printLR(cls):
      for k in cls:
        print('actFun.{}:'.format(, k.val, k.txt)

class hlFun(Enum):
  dense         = (0, 'Dense (matrix times)')

  def __init__(self, val, txt):
      self.val  = val
      self.txt  = txt

import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
from scipy import signal

from scipy.special import softmax,logsumexp

import matplotlib.pylab as PLT
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

import HoSGDdefs as hosgdDef
from HoSGDdefs import hosgdOptProb

import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'  # Disbales TF's warnings (they don' shown in generated HTML)

# Note: TF is used to have a simple access to MNIST
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10

class hosgdHyperFunSGD(object):
    r"""Class related to routines associated to hyperPars computation

    def __init__(self, lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5):
        self.lrPolicy = lrPolicy
        self.LR   = self.sel_LR()
        self.lrSDecay = lrSDecay
        self.lrTau    = lrTau

    def sel_LR(self):
      switcher = {
          hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte.val:        self.lrCte,
          hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay.val:  self.lrStepDecay,

      lrFun = switcher.get(self.lrPolicy.val, "nothing")

      func = lambda u, alpha, k, g: lrFun(u, alpha, k, g)

      return func

    # --- === ---

    def lrCte(self, u, alpha, k, g):
        return alpha

    # --- === ---

    def lrStepDecay(self, u, alpha, k, g):
        return (self.lrTau**np.floor(k/self.lrSDecay))*alpha

# ===========================================

class hosgdFunSoftMax(hosgdOptProb):
    r""" F(W)   = (1/N) \sum_n f_n(W)
         f_n(W) = < Xn, Wl_n > + log( \sum_l e^{ -< Xl, Wl >} )

    def __init__(self, X, Y, nClass, Xtest=None, Ytest=None, lmbd=0,
                 gNormOrd=2, Nstats=5, verbose=10, initSol=None):

        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.nClass = nClass
        self.Xtest = Xtest
        self.Ytest = Ytest
        self.lmbd = lmbd
        self.Nstats   = Nstats
        self.gNormOrd = gNormOrd
        self.verbose  = verbose
        self.initSol  = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution

    # ---------

    def costFun(self, W):

        fCost = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-self.X.transpose().dot(W)), axis=1)))
        fCost += np.sum( self.X*W[:,self.Y] )

        fCost /= float(self.X.shape[1])

        if self.lmbd > 0:
           fCost += self.lmbd*(sum( np.power(W.ravel(),2) ))/float(self.X.shape[1])

        return fCost

    # ---------

    def fwOp(self, W):

        return None

    # ---------

    def gradFun(self, W, n):

        z = self.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1)      # select batch elements

        g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1) )

        for k in range(len(n)):
            g[:,self.Y[n[k]] ] += z[:,k]

        g /= float(len(n))

        if self.lmbd > 0:
            g += self.lmbd*W

        return g

    # ---------

    def randSol(self):

        if self.initSol is None:
           rng = np.random.default_rng()
           rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initSol)

        return 0.01*rng.normal(size=[self.X.shape[0], self.nClass] )

    # ---------

    def computeStats(self, W, alpha, k, g):

        cost  = self.costFun(W)

        gNorm = self.gradNorm(g, self.gNormOrd)

        success = self.computeSuccess(W)

        return np.array([k, cost, alpha, gNorm, success])

    # ---------

    def computeSuccess(self, W):

        if self.Xtest is not None and self.Ytest is not None:
            classVal = -np.matmul(self.Xtest.transpose(), W)
            success = sum( np.argmax(classVal,axis=1) == self.Ytest )

            return float(success)/float(self.Xtest.shape[1])
            return None

    # ---------

    def printStats(self, k, nEpoch, v):

        if k == 0:

        if self.verbose > 0:

            if np.remainder(k,self.verbose)==0 or k==nEpoch-1:
                if v[k,4] is None:
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3]))
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}\n \t \
                          success rate (training): {:.3e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3],v[k,4]))


    # ---------

    def gradNorm(self, g, ord=2):

        if g is None:
           return -1.0

        if ord == 2:
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)**ord
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)

# ===========================================

def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):

    W = OptProb.randSol()

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        W = W - alpha*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

def stdPreproc(dIn, L=255.0, flagNorm=True, flagMean=True):

    dIn = dIn.astype("float")

    if flagNorm:
       dIn = dIn/L

    if flagMean:
       mean = np.mean(dIn, axis = 0)
       dIn -= mean


def exMultiClass(nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, dataset='mnist', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5, verbose=5):

    # Examples
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.05, dataset='mnist')
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.01, dataset='cifar10')
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(25, 64, 0.02, dataset='cifar10', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay, lrSDecay=10, lrTau=0.5)

    # --- Load data
    # -------------------

    flagDataset = False

    if dataset.lower() == 'mnist':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if dataset.lower() == 'cifar10':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if flagDataset is False:
       print('Dataset {} is no valid'.format(dataset))

    if verbose == 1:
       print('Shape (training data):', X.shape)
       print('Shape (valid/testing data):', Xtest.shape)

    # pre-processing
    X     = stdPreproc(X)
    Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

    # Data vectorization
    X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Y     = Y.ravel()
    Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

    # --- Optimization model
    # ----------------------

    OptProb = hosgdFunSoftMax(X, Y, 10, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    # --- HyperPar (this is kept in order to have a similar structure to the SD case (see Lab 1a)
    # ------------

    hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(lrPolicy=lrPolicy, lrSDecay=lrSDecay, lrTau=lrTau)

    # --- Call GD
    # -----------
    W, stats = hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Plot results
    # ----------------


    return W, stats

def plotSGDStats(stats):

  # --- Plot results ---

  ax = PLT.figure().gca()

  PLT.plot(stats[:,1] )
  PLT.ylabel('Softmax', fontsize=16)
  PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
  PLT.title('Loss function', fontsize=20)

  if stats[0,4] is not None:

    ax = PLT.figure().gca()

    PLT.plot(stats[:,4] )
    PLT.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=16)
    PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
    PLT.title('Success rate (test)', fontsize=20)

Simple Simulation (MNIST)

import numpy as np
import HoSGDlabSGD as H

w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.05, dataset='mnist')

Sim Sim

Simple Simulation (CIFAR10)

import numpy as np
import HoSGDlabSGD as H

w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.01, dataset='cifar10')

Sim Sim

Simulation with StepDecay

import numpy as np
import HoSGDlabSGD as H    # Lab1b

w, stats = H.exMultiClass(25, 64, 0.02, dataset='cifar10', lrPolicy=H.hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay, lrSDecay=10, lrTau=0.5)

Sim Sim

Running the simulations within Colab
  • Sign-in into Colab

  • Upload the necessary files; for this example:




    • In Colab, execute

        from google.colab import files
        src = list(files.upload().values())[0]
  • Proceed as shown above