SGD variants

Considering a cost functional with the same characteristics as the one used for the SGD case, then

  • modify the SGD routine to implement some SGD variants:

When solving the SGD simulation, the following classes / routines were considered

  • honsgdSGD

    def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
        W = OptProb.randSol()
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            # Compute the gradient
            g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)
            alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)
            W = W - alpha*g
            # _END_ for(b)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats

Using the Generalized SGD as a reference (in particular the “\(\mathbf{\mbox{for }} b\)” loop), and assuming \(\beta\) is a given value, then

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{llllll} & & \mathbf{v} & = & 1 & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{w} & = & 1 & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \nabla & = & \mathbf{g} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{W}_{k+1} & = & \mathbf{W}_k - \alpha \cdot \nabla + \beta\cdot(\mathbf{W}_{k}-\mathbf{W}_{k-1}) & \qquad \end{array} \\ % --- \end{array} \end{split}\]

Using the Generalized SGD as a reference (in particular the “\(\mathbf{\mbox{for }} b\)” loop), and assuming \(\gamma_2\) and \(\epsilon\) are given values, then

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{llllll} & & \mathbf{v} & = & \gamma_2\cdot \mathbf{v} + (1-\gamma_2)\cdot \mathbf{g} \odot \mathbf{g} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{w} & = & \frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon + \mathbf{v}}} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \nabla & = & \mathbf{g} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{W}_{k+1} & = & \mathbf{W}_k - \alpha \cdot \mathbf{w} \odot \nabla & \qquad \end{array} \\ % --- \end{array} \end{split}\]

Using the Generalized SGD as a reference (in particular the “\(\mathbf{\mbox{for }} b\)” loop), and assuming \(\gamma_1\), \(\gamma_2\) and \(\epsilon\) are given values, then

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{llllll} & & \mathbf{v} & = & \gamma_2\cdot \mathbf{v} + (1-\gamma_2)\cdot \mathbf{g} \odot \mathbf{g} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{w} & = & \frac{c_k}{\sqrt{\epsilon + \mathbf{v}}} & \qquad \color{darkgray} c_k = \frac{\sqrt{1-\gamma_2^k}}{1-\gamma_1^k} \\ & & \nabla & = & \gamma_1\cdot\nabla + (1-\gamma_1)\cdot \mathbf{g} & \qquad \color{darkgray} \\ & & \mathbf{W}_{k+1} & = & \mathbf{W}_k - \alpha \cdot \mathbf{w} \odot \nabla & \qquad \end{array} \\ % --- \end{array} \end{split}\]
Proposed solution

Among other pausible alternatives, the considered SGD variants may be written as

Highlighted lines point out the differences between SGD and Momentum [Pol64].

def hosgdMTM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, momentum=0.9):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    z = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        z = momentum*z - alpha*g
        W = W  + z

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

Highlighted lines point out the differences between SGD and RMSProp [HSS12].

def hosgdRMSProp(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, gamma2=0.9, epsilon=1e-7):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    v = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        v = gamma2*v +(1-gamma2)*g*g

        W = W  - ( alpha/np.sqrt(epsilon + v) )*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

Highlighted lines point out the differences between SGD and ADAM [KB15].

def hosgdADAM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, gamma1=0.9, gamma2=0.999, epsilon=1e-7):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    v = 0*W
    z = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        v = gamma2*v + (1-gamma2)*g*g
        z = gamma1*z + (1-gamma1)*g

        W = W  - alpha*(1./(np.sqrt(v) + epsilon) )*( np.sqrt(1-np.power(gamma2,float(k)))/(1-np.power(gamma1,float(k))) )*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

Full solution

import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
from scipy import signal

from scipy.special import softmax,logsumexp

import matplotlib.pylab as PLT
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

import HoSGDdefs as hosgdDef
from HoSGDdefs import hosgdOptProb

import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'  # Disbales TF's warnings (they don' shown in generated HTML)

# Note: TF is used to have a simple access to MNIST
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10

from HoSGDlabSGD import hosgdFunSoftMax, hosgdHyperFunSGD, hosgdSGD, stdPreproc
def hosgdMTM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, momentum=0.9):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    z = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        z = momentum*z - alpha*g
        W = W  + z

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

def hosgdRMSProp(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, gamma2=0.9, epsilon=1e-7):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    v = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        v = gamma2*v +(1-gamma2)*g*g

        W = W  - ( alpha/np.sqrt(epsilon + v) )*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

def hosgdADAM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun, gamma1=0.9, gamma2=0.999, epsilon=1e-7):

    W = OptProb.randSol()
    v = 0*W
    z = 0*W

    stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )

    nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
    if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
       nBlk += 1

    k = 0

    for e in range(nEpoch):

      # Generate permutation
      blkInd = 0
      perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])

      for b in range(nBlk):

        # general iteration counter
        k += 1

        # select indexes
        if b <= nBlk-2:
           n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
           n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]

        blkInd += blkSize

        # Compute the gradient
        g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)

        alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)

        v = gamma2*v + (1-gamma2)*g*g
        z = gamma1*z + (1-gamma1)*g

        W = W  - alpha*(1./(np.sqrt(v) + epsilon) )*( np.sqrt(1-np.power(gamma2,float(k)))/(1-np.power(gamma1,float(k))) )*g

        # _END_ for(b)

      stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
      OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)

    return W, stats

Routines to execute example and plot results

def exMultiClass(nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, dataset='mnist', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5, verbose=5):

    # Examples
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.05, dataset='mnist')
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(20, 32, 0.01, dataset='cifar10')
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(25, 64, 0.02, dataset='cifar10', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay, lrSDecay=10, lrTau=0.5)

    # --- Load data
    # -------------------

    flagDataset = False

    if dataset.lower() == 'mnist':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if dataset.lower() == 'cifar10':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if flagDataset is False:
       print('Dataset {} is no valid'.format(dataset))

    if verbose == 1:
       print('Shape (training data):', X.shape)
       print('Shape (valid/testing data):', Xtest.shape)

    # pre-processing
    X     = stdPreproc(X)
    Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

    # Data vectorization
    X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Y     = Y.ravel()
    Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

    # --- Optimization model
    # ----------------------

    OptProb = hosgdFunSoftMax(X, Y, 10, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    # --- HyperPar (this is kept in order to have a similar structure to the SD case (see Lab 1a)
    # ------------

    hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(lrPolicy=lrPolicy, lrSDecay=lrSDecay, lrTau=lrTau)

    W = []
    stats = []
    nameVar = []
    # --- Call SGD
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Call MTM
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdMTM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Call RMSProp
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdRMSProp(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Call ADAM
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdADAM(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Plot results
    # ----------------

    plotSGDStatsList(stats, nameVar)

    return W, stats
def plotSGDStatsList(stats,nameVar):

  # --- Plot results ---

  L = len(stats)

  ax = PLT.figure().gca()

  for k in range(L):
      PLT.plot(stats[k][:,1], label=r'{0}'.format(nameVar[k]) )

  PLT.legend(loc='upper right')
  PLT.ylabel('Softmax', fontsize=16)
  PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
  PLT.title('Loss function', fontsize=20)

  if stats[0][0,4] is not None:

    ax = PLT.figure().gca()

    for k in range(L):
        PLT.plot(stats[k][:,4] )

    PLT.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=16)
    PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
    PLT.title('Success rate (test)', fontsize=20)

Simple Simulation (MNIST)

import HoSGDlabSGDVariants as SGDvar

# exMultiClass: explicitly executes SGD, SGD+M, RMSProp and ADAM all with the
#               same parameters.
sol = SGDvar.exMultiClass(20, 64, 0.001, dataset='mnist',verbose=-1)

Sim Sim

Simple Simulation (CIFAR-10)

import HoSGDlabSGDVariants as SGDvar

# exMultiClass: explicitly executes SGD, SGD+M, RMSProp and ADAM all with the
#               same parameters.
sol = SGDvar.exMultiClass(20, 128, 0.001, dataset='cifar10',verbose=-1)

Sim Sim