
Considering a cost functional with the same characteristics as the one used for the SGD case, then

  • Modify the SGD routine so as to integrate it along with the backpropagation algorithm

  • Test such modification on the classification problem solved by an architecture that includes one hidden layer

As detailed in the ELM simulation the Softmax function along with a hidden layer can be summarized by

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W}_1, \mathbf{Z}_1) & = & \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{Z}_1\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{z})}}, \mathbf{W}_1\mathbf{h}_n \rangle + \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{Z}_1\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{z})}}, \mathbf{W}_1\mathbf{c}_l \rangle }\right) \qquad (1) \end{eqnarray*}\]


  • \(\mathbf{Z}_0 = \mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{r_0 \times N}\) represents the input dataset which has \(L\) classes.

  • \(\mathbf{Z}_1 = \varphi_1(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0) \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times N}\) represents a dense hidden layer.

  • \(\mathbf{W}_0 \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times r_0}\): hidden layer’s weights.

  • \(\varphi_1(\cdot)\) is a non-linear activation function.

  • \(\mathbf{W}_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times L}\): softmax’s layer weights.

  • Typical case \(r_1 \ll r_0 \) (at least \(r_1 < r_0 \)).

and the vectors

  • \(\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{z})}}\) represents a canonical vector of length \(\mathbf{Z}.\mbox{shape}[1]\)

  • \(\mathbf{c}_l\) represents a canonical vector of length L

  • \(\mathbf{h}_n \in \mathbb{R}^L\) is the one-hot representation of \(n^{th}\) training element’s class.

are used to extract a particular column of a given matrix.

Using this notation, then the backpropagation algorithm applied to this case (for a full explanation see Lecture 3b’s Introduction & BP: softmax+HL sections) may be summarized by

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rcll} \nabla_{\mathbf{W}_1} F(\mathbf{W_1}, \mathbf{Z}_1) & = & \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{Z_1}\mathbf{H}^T - \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{Z}_1 \mbox{softmax}(-\mathbf{Z}_1^T \mathbf{W_1}, \mbox{axis=1}) & \quad(2.1) \\ \nabla_{\mathbf{W_0}} \varphi_1(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0) & = & \psi(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0) \mathbf{Z}_0^T & \quad(2.2) \\ \nabla_{\mathbf{Z_1}} F(\mathbf{W_1}, \mathbf{Z}_1) & = & \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{W_1}\mathbf{H} - \frac{1}{N}\mathbf{W}_1 \mbox{softmax}^T(-\mathbf{Z}_1^T \mathbf{W_1}, \mbox{axis=1}) & \quad(2.3) \\ & & & \\ \nabla_{\mathbf{W_0}} F(\mathbf{W_1}, \mathbf{Z}_1) & = & \left( \psi(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0) \odot \nabla_{\mathbf{Z_1}} F(\mathbf{W_1}, \mathbf{Z}_1) \right) \mathbf{Z}_0^T & \quad(2.4) \end{array}\end{split}\]

where (2.1)-(2.3) are part of the forward pass, and (2.4) is the backward pass; furthermore, it is relevant to highlight that

  • \(\mathbf{H} \in \mathbb{R}^{L \times N}\) represents the one-hot matrix associated with the training dataset.

  • \(\mbox{softmax}(\mathbf{V}, \mbox{axis=1}) = \mathbf{S}\), where:

    • \(\mathbf{V}, \mathbf{S} \in \mathbb{R}^{\kappa \times \eta}\)

    • \(\mathbf{S}[k,:] = \frac{\mbox{e}^{\mathbf{V}[k,:]}}{\sum_{n=1}^\eta \mbox{e}^{\mathbf{V}[k,n]} }\)

Proposed solution

Among other pausible solutions, the proposed one is detailed below

  • Differences between SGD and SGD+BP

    Each of the tabs below highlights the key difference between the original SGD routine and the one that includes the backpropagation and trains a hidden layer.

    def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
        W = OptProb.randSol()
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            # Compute the gradient
            g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)
            alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)
            W = W - alpha*g
            # _END_ for(b)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, sgdVariant, nEpoch, blkSize):
        W = []
        for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)):
            W.append( OptProb.HL[l].randSol( OptProb.zShape[l] ) )
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        # pass OptProb's basic info to sgdVariant
        sgdVariant.getArchConf( OptProb.HL )
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            x = OptProb.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1).copy()
            y = OptProb.Y[n]
            # -- fw operator, i.e: z_l = \phi_l( W[l-1], z[l-1]) --
            OptProb.fwOperator(W, x, y)
            # Compute the gradient -- (FwPass, bwPass) --
            for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)-1,-1,-1):
                # fw Pass
                OptProb.fwPass(W, y, l)
                # bw Pass
                g = OptProb.bwPass(W, y, l)
                # Update gradient
                W[l] = sgdVariant.update( W[l].copy(), g, e, l)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, sgdVariant.alpha0, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
        W = OptProb.randSol()
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            # Compute the gradient
            g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)
            alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)
            W = W - alpha*g
            # _END_ for(b)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, sgdVariant, nEpoch, blkSize):
        W = []
        for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)):
            W.append( OptProb.HL[l].randSol( OptProb.zShape[l] ) )
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        # pass OptProb's basic info to sgdVariant
        sgdVariant.getArchConf( OptProb.HL )
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            x = OptProb.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1).copy()
            y = OptProb.Y[n]
            # -- fw operator, i.e: z_l = \phi_l( W[l-1], z[l-1]) --
            OptProb.fwOperator(W, x, y)
            # Compute the gradient -- (FwPass, bwPass) --
            for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)-1,-1,-1):
                # fw Pass
                OptProb.fwPass(W, y, l)
                # bw Pass
                g = OptProb.bwPass(W, y, l)
                # Update gradient
                W[l] = sgdVariant.update( W[l].copy(), g, e, l)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, sgdVariant.alpha0, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
        W = OptProb.randSol()
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            # Compute the gradient
            g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)
            alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)
            W = W - alpha*g
            # _END_ for(b)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, sgdVariant, nEpoch, blkSize):
        W = []
        for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)):
            W.append( OptProb.HL[l].randSol( OptProb.zShape[l] ) )
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        # pass OptProb's basic info to sgdVariant
        sgdVariant.getArchConf( OptProb.HL )
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            x = OptProb.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1).copy()
            y = OptProb.Y[n]
            # -- fw operator, i.e: z_l = \phi_l( W[l-1], z[l-1]) --
            OptProb.fwOperator(W, x, y)
            # Compute the gradient -- (FwPass, bwPass) --
            for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)-1,-1,-1):
                # fw Pass
                OptProb.fwPass(W, y, l)
                # bw Pass
                g = OptProb.bwPass(W, y, l)
                # Update gradient
                W[l] = sgdVariant.update( W[l].copy(), g, e, l)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, sgdVariant.alpha0, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha0, hyperFun):
        W = OptProb.randSol()
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            # Compute the gradient
            g     = OptProb.gradFun(W, n)
            alpha = hyperFun.LR(W, alpha0, e, None)
            W = W - alpha*g
            # _END_ for(b)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, alpha, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
    def hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, sgdVariant, nEpoch, blkSize):
        W = []
        for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)):
            W.append( OptProb.HL[l].randSol( OptProb.zShape[l] ) )
        stats = np.zeros( [nEpoch, OptProb.Nstats] )
        nBlk = np.floor_divide(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize)
        if np.remainder(OptProb.X.shape[1],blkSize) > 0:
           nBlk += 1
        # pass OptProb's basic info to sgdVariant
        sgdVariant.getArchConf( OptProb.HL )
        k = 0
        for e in range(nEpoch):
          # Generate permutation
          blkInd = 0
          perm = np.random.permutation(OptProb.X.shape[1])
          for b in range(nBlk):
            # general iteration counter
            k += 1
            # select indexes
            if b <= nBlk-2:
               n = perm[blkInd:blkInd+blkSize]
               n = perm[blkInd:OptProb.X.shape[1]]
            blkInd += blkSize
            x = OptProb.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1).copy()
            y = OptProb.Y[n]
            # -- fw operator, i.e: z_l = \phi_l( W[l-1], z[l-1]) --
            OptProb.fwOperator(W, x, y)
            # Compute the gradient -- (FwPass, bwPass) --
            for l in range(len(OptProb.HL)-1,-1,-1):
                # fw Pass
                OptProb.fwPass(W, y, l)
                # bw Pass
                g = OptProb.bwPass(W, y, l)
                # Update gradient
                W[l] = sgdVariant.update( W[l].copy(), g, e, l)
          stats[e,:] = OptProb.computeStats(W, sgdVariant.alpha0, e, g)
          OptProb.printStats(e, nEpoch, stats)
        return W, stats
  • New structure for the OptProb class
    class hosgdHLOptProb(hosgdOptProb):
        r""" F(W)   = (1/N) \sum_n f_n(W)
             f_n(W) = < Xn, Wl_n > + log( \sum_l e^{ -< Xl, Wl >} )
        def __init__(self, X, Y, nClass, HL, Xtest=None, Ytest=None, lmbd=0,
                     gNormOrd=2, Nstats=4, verbose=10):
            self.X = X
            self.Y = Y
            self.nClass = nClass
            self.Xtest = Xtest
            self.Ytest = Ytest
            self.lmbd = lmbd
            self.Nstats   = Nstats
            self.gNormOrd = gNormOrd
            self.verbose  = verbose
            self.HL = HL
            self.fwOpFlag   = False
            self.fwPassFlag = False
        # ---------
        def setShapes(self):
            self.zShape = np.zeros( len(self.HL), dtype=int )
            # input layer
            self.zShape[0] = self.X.shape[0]
            for l in range( 1, len(self.HL) ):
                self.zShape[l] = self.HL[l-1].nShp
        # ---------
        def fwOperator(self, W, x, y):
            if self.fwOpFlag:
               #self.z[0] = self.HL[0].fwd(W[0], x)
               self.z[0] = x
               for l in range( 1, len(self.HL) ):
                   self.z[l] = self.HL[l-1].fwd( W[l-1], self.z[l-1] )
            else:  #first call
               self.z = []
               self.z.append( x )
               for l in range( 1, len(self.HL) ):
                   self.z.append( self.HL[l-1].fwd(W[l-1], self.z[l-1] ) )
               self.fwOpFlag = True
        # ---------
        def fwPass(self, W, y, l):
            if self.fwPassFlag:
               if l == len(self.HL)-1:
                  self.grad[l] = self.HL[l].gradFun( W[l], self.z[l], y)
                   self.nabZ[l+1] = self.HL[l+1].gradFunZVar(W[l+1], self.z[l+1], y)
                   self.nabW[l]   = self.HL[l].gradFunWVar( W[l], self.z[l], y)
            else:  #first call
               if l == len(self.HL)-1:
                  self.grad = [None]*len(self.HL)
                  self.nabZ = [None]*len(self.HL)
                  self.nabW = [None]*len(self.HL)
                  self.grad[l] = self.HL[l].gradFun( W[l], self.z[l], y)
                   self.nabZ[l+1] = self.HL[l+1].gradFunZVar(W[l+1], self.z[l+1], y)
                   self.nabW[l]   = self.HL[l].gradFunwVar( W[l], self.z[l], y)
               self.fwPassFlag = True
        # ---------
        def bwPass(self, W, y, l):
            if l == len(self.HL)-1:
               pass # do nothing since the 1st level (output's perspetive) gradient
                    # is already computed
                self.grad[l] = self.HL[l].gradFun(self.nabW[l], self.nabZ[l+1], self.z[l])
            return self.grad[l]
        # ---------
        def computeStats(self, W, alpha, k, g):
            cost  = self.costFun(W)
            success = self.computeSuccess(W)
            return np.array([k, cost, alpha, success])
        # ---------
        def costFun(self, W):
            for l in range( len(self.HL) ):
                if l == 0:
                    Z = self.HL[l].fwd(W[l], self.X)
                    Z = self.HL[l].fwd(W[l], Z)
            fCost = self.HL[-1].costFun(W[-1], Z, self.Y)
        def computeSuccess(self, W):
            if self.Xtest is not None and self.Ytest is not None:
              for l in range( len(self.HL) ):
                if l == 0:
                    Z = self.HL[l].fwd(W[l], self.Xtest)
                    Z = self.HL[l].fwd(W[l], Z)
              success = self.HL[-1].computeSuccess(W[-1], Z, self.Ytest)
              return( success )
                return None
        # ---------
        def printStats(self, k, nEpoch, v):
            if k == 0:
            if self.verbose > 0:
                if np.remainder(k,self.verbose)==0 or k==nEpoch-1:
                    if v[k,3] is None:
                        print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2]))
                        print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}\n \t \
                              success rate (training): {:.3e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3]))
        # ---------
        def gradNorm(self, g, ord=2):
  • Layers (Softmax and dense) routines that are BP compatible
    class hosgdHLFunSoftMax(object):
        def __init__(self, nShp, lmbd=0, initSol=None):
            self.nShp    = nShp
            self.lmbd    = lmbd
            self.initSol = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution
        # ---------
        def gradFun(self, W, z, y):
            ##z = self.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1)      # select batch elements
            g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1) )
            for k in range(z.shape[1]):
                g[:,y[k] ] += z[:,k]
            g /= float(g.shape[1])
            if self.lmbd > 0:
                g += self.lmbd*W
            return g
        # ---------
        def gradFunZVar(self, W, z, y):
            ## see notes: WH - (1/s)*WE,  E = exp(-W^T Z), s = sum(E, axis=0)
            #g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1).dot( W.transpose() ).transpose()
            g = softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1).transpose() )       # (1/s)*WE
            for k in range(z.shape[1]):     # g += WH
                g[:, k ] += W[:, y[k] ]
            return g
        # ---------
        def costFun(self, W, Z, Y):
            fCost = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.exp(Z.transpose().dot(W)), axis=1)))
            fCost += np.sum( Z*W[:,Y] )
            fCost /= float(Z.shape[1])
            if self.lmbd > 0:
               fCost += self.lmbd*(sum( np.power(W.ravel(),2) ))/float(Z.shape[1])
            return fCost
        # ---------
        def randSol(self, zShape):
            if self.initSol is None:
               rng = np.random.default_rng()
               rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initSol)
            return 0.01*rng.normal(size=[zShape, self.nShp] )
        # ---------
        def fwd(self, A, z, flag=True):
            return( z )
        # ---------
        def computeSuccess(self, W, Xtest, Ytest):
            classVal = -np.matmul(Xtest.transpose(), W)
            success = sum( np.argmax(classVal,axis=1) == Ytest )
            return float(success)/float(Xtest.shape[1])
    class hosgdHLFunDense(object):
        def __init__(self, nShp, hlFun=hosgdDef.hlFun.dense, actFun=None, par1=None, par2=None, initSol=None):
            self.nShp = nShp
            self.initSol  = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution
            self.par1   = par1
            self.par2   = par2
            self.hlFun  = hlFun
            self.AFclass = hosgdFunAF(actFun=actFun, par1=par1, par2=par2)
            self.actFun = self.AFclass.sel_AF()
        # ---------
        def gradFunWVar(self, W, z, y):
            # Note: nabla actFun( ) = actFun(, True ).dot( z.transpose() ),
            #       nonetheless, since z is accessible, here only actFun(, True ) is returned
            return self.actFun(, True )
        # ---------
        def gradFunZVar(self, W, z, y):
            return 1.
        # ---------
        def gradFun(self, nabW, nabZ, z):
            return (nabW*nabZ).dot( z.transpose() )
        # ---------
        def costFun(self, W, Z, Y):
        # ---------
        def fwd(self, A, z, flag=True):
            if flag:
               return( self.actFun(, False ) )
               return( z )
        # ---------
        def randSol(self, zShape):
            if self.initSol is None:
               rng = np.random.default_rng()
               rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initSol)
            return 0.01*rng.normal(size=[self.nShp, zShape] )

Full solution

Routines to execute example and plot results

def exHLMultiClass(nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, dataset='mnist', actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU, lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5, verbose=5):

    # Examples
    #  HL.exHLMultiClass(20, 128, np.array([0.001,0.00025]), dataset='cifar10', verbose=10, actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU)
    # sol = HL.exHLMultiClass(50, 128, np.array([0.001,0.00025]), dataset='cifar10', verbose=10,
    #                         actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU, lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay, lrSDecay=10, lrTau=0.5)
    #  w, stats = H.exMultiClass(25, 64, 0.02, dataset='cifar10', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.StepDecay, lrSDecay=10, lrTau=0.5)

    # --- Load data
    # -------------------

    flagDataset = False

    if dataset.lower() == 'mnist':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if dataset.lower() == 'cifar10':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if flagDataset is False:
       print('Dataset {} is no valid'.format(dataset))

    if verbose == 1:
       print('Shape (training data):', X.shape)
       print('Shape (valid/testing data):', Xtest.shape)

    # pre-processing
    X     = stdPreproc(X)
    Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

    # Data vectorization
    X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Y     = Y.ravel()
    Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

    # --- Layers
    # ----------------------

    HL = []
    HL.append( hosgdHLFunDense(nShp=512, actFun=actFun) )
    HL.append( hosgdHLFunSoftMax(nShp=10) )

    # --- Optimization model
    # ----------------------

    OptProb = hosgdHLOptProb(X, Y, 10, HL, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    # --- HyperPar (this is kept in order to have a similar structure to the SD case (see Lab 1a)
    # ------------

    hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(lrPolicy=lrPolicy, lrSDecay=lrSDecay, lrTau=lrTau)

    # --- Select SGD sgdVariant
    # ----------------------

    if isinstance(alpha,float):

       sgdVar = hosgdBBSGD(alpha, hyperP)
       mtmVar = hosgdBBSGDmtm(alpha, hyperP,gamma=0.9)

       sgdVar = hosgdBBSGD(alpha[0], hyperP)
       mtmVar = hosgdBBSGDmtm(alpha[1], hyperP,gamma=0.9)

    # --- Call GD
    # -----------

    W = []
    stats = []
    nameVar = []

    # SGD
    sol = hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, sgdVar, nEpoch, blkSize)

    # Momentum
    sol = hosgdSGDHLSover(OptProb, mtmVar, nEpoch, blkSize)

    # --- Plot results
    # ----------------

    plotSGDStatsList(stats, nameVar)

    return W, stats

Simple Simulation (CIFAR-10)

import numpy as np
import HoSGDdefs as hosgdDef
import HoSGDlabHL  as HL

sol = HL.exHLMultiClass(50, 128, np.array([0.001,0.00025]), dataset='cifar10', verbose=10, actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU)

Sim Sim