Hidden layer / ELM

Considering a cost functional with the same characteristics as the one used for the SGD case, then

  • Modify the Softmax specialization of the hosgdOptProb class so as to:

    • It accepts an optimization problem which includes a hidden layer (not trainable)

    • Add different activation functions, e.g. ReLU, ELU, etc.

Previously, the Softmax function (for a full explanation see Lecture 3b’s introduction) has been written as:

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W}) & = & \sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}} \rangle + \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{x}_n, \mathbf{w}_{l} \rangle }\right) \qquad (1) \end{eqnarray*}\]


  • \(\mathbf{X} = [ \mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_N ] \in \mathbb{R}^{r_0 \times N}\) represents the training dataset.

  • \(\mathbf{W} \in \mathbb{R}^{r_0 \times L}\) represents the weights (to be trained); furthermore, \(\mathbf{w}_l\), the \(l^{th}\)-column of matrix \(\mathbf{W}\), is associated with \(l^{th}\)-class of the classification problem.

  • \(L\) is the number of classes associated with the datatset \(\mathbf{X}\).

  • \(\mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}}\): knowing that the input data \(\mathbf{x}_n\) is class \({\mathbf{\cal{L}}}_n\), then \(\mathbf{w}_{_{\mathbf{\cal{L}}_n}}\) represents the corresponding column in matrix \(\mathbf{W}\).

For this particular simulation, first let (1) be written as

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W}) & = & \sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{X}\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{x})}}, \mathbf{W}\mathbf{h}_n \rangle + \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{X}\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{x})}}, \mathbf{W}\mathbf{c}_l \rangle }\right) \qquad (2) \end{eqnarray*}\]


  • \(\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{x})}}\) represents a canonical vector (value one at position \(n\), zero elsewhere) of length \(\mathbf{X}.\mbox{shape}[1]\)

  • \(\mathbf{c}_l\) represents a canonical vector of length L

  • \(\mathbf{h}_n \in \mathbb{R}^L\) is the one-hot representation of \(\mathbf{x}_n\)’s class.

Then, by considering \(\mathbf{Z}_0 = \mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{Z}_1 = \varphi_1(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0)\), (2) can be written as (3), which in turn may be interpreted as the Softmax function along with a non-trainable hidden layer (which amounts to a particular example of ELM [HCS06] ) :

\[\begin{eqnarray*} F(\mathbf{W_1}) & = & \sum_{n=0}^N \langle \mathbf{Z}_1\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{z})}}, \mathbf{W}_1\mathbf{h}_n \rangle + \sum_{n=0}^N \log\left( \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} \mbox{e}^{ -\langle \mathbf{Z}_1\mathbf{c}_n^{^{(\mathbf{z})}}, \mathbf{W}_1\mathbf{c}_l \rangle }\right) \qquad (3) \end{eqnarray*}\]


  • \(\varphi_1(\cdot)\) is a non-linear activation function.

  • \(\mathbf{Z_0} \in \mathbb{R}^{r_0 \times N}\)

  • \(\mathbf{W_0} \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times r_0}:\mbox{ random value matrix} \qquad \color{darkgray} \mbox{note that } \mathbf{Z}_1 = \varphi_1(\mathbf{W_0}\mathbf{Z}_0) \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times N}\)

  • \(\mathbf{W_1} \in \mathbb{R}^{r_1 \times L}\)

  • \(r_1 \ll r_0 \)

class hosgdFunSoftMax(hosgdOptProb):
    r""" F(W)   = (1/N) \sum_n f_n(W)
         f_n(W) = < Xn, Wl_n > + log( \sum_l e^{ -< Xl, Wl >} )

    def __init__(self, X, Y, nClass, Xtest=None, Ytest=None, lmbd=0,
                 gNormOrd=2, Nstats=5, verbose=10, initSol=None):

        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.nClass = nClass
        self.Xtest = Xtest
        self.Ytest = Ytest
        self.lmbd = lmbd
        self.Nstats   = Nstats
        self.gNormOrd = gNormOrd
        self.verbose  = verbose
        self.initSol  = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution

    # ---------

    def costFun(self, W):

        fCost = np.sum(np.log(np.sum(np.exp(-self.X.transpose().dot(W)), axis=1)))
        fCost += np.sum( self.X*W[:,self.Y] )

        fCost /= float(self.X.shape[1])

        if self.lmbd > 0:
           fCost += self.lmbd*(sum( np.power(W.ravel(),2) ))/float(self.X.shape[1])

        return fCost

    # ---------

    def fwOp(self, W):

        return None

    # ---------

    def gradFun(self, W, n):

        z = self.X[:,np.ix_(n)].squeeze(1)      # select batch elements

        g = -z.dot( softmax(-z.transpose().dot(W),axis=1) )

        for k in range(len(n)):
            g[:,self.Y[n[k]] ] += z[:,k]

        g /= float(len(n))

        if self.lmbd > 0:
            g += self.lmbd*W

        return g

    # ---------

    def randSol(self):

        if self.initSol is None:
           rng = np.random.default_rng()
           rng = np.random.default_rng(self.initSol)

        return 0.01*rng.normal(size=[self.X.shape[0], self.nClass] )

    # ---------

    def computeStats(self, W, alpha, k, g):

        cost  = self.costFun(W)

        gNorm = self.gradNorm(g, self.gNormOrd)

        success = self.computeSuccess(W)

        return np.array([k, cost, alpha, gNorm, success])

    # ---------

    def computeSuccess(self, W):

        if self.Xtest is not None and self.Ytest is not None:
            classVal = -np.matmul(self.Xtest.transpose(), W)
            success = sum( np.argmax(classVal,axis=1) == self.Ytest )

            return float(success)/float(self.Xtest.shape[1])
            return None

    # ---------

    def printStats(self, k, nEpoch, v):

        if k == 0:

        if self.verbose > 0:

            if np.remainder(k,self.verbose)==0 or k==nEpoch-1:
                if v[k,4] is None:
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3]))
                    print('{:>3d}\t {:.3e}\t {:.2e}    {:.2e}\n \t \
                          success rate (training): {:.3e}'.format(int(v[k,0]),v[k,1],v[k,2],v[k,3],v[k,4]))


    # ---------

    def gradNorm(self, g, ord=2):

        if g is None:
           return -1.0

        if ord == 2:
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)**ord
            return np.linalg.norm(g.ravel(),ord=ord)

\( \begin{array}{llcl} \bullet & \phi(u) & = & \max \{ u,\, 0 \} \\ \bullet & \frac{\partial \phi(u)}{\partial u} & = & \psi(u) = 1.*(u>0) \end{array} \)

Python code
import numpy as np

def afReLu(u, flag):

    if flag is False:
       return np.maximum(u,0)
       return 1.*(u>0)

\( \begin{array}{llcl} \bullet & \phi(u,\tau) & = & \max \{ u,\, 0 \} + \tau\cdot\min\{ \mbox{e}^{u}-1, 0 \} \\ \bullet & \frac{\partial \phi(u)}{\partial u} & = & \psi(u) = 1.*(u>0) + \tau.*(u<0)*\mbox{e}^{u} \end{array} \)

Python code
import numpy as np

def afELU(u, flag, par1=None):

    if par1 is None:
       par1 = 0.5

    if flag is False:
       return np.maximum(u,0) + par1*np.min( np.exp(u)-1, 0 )
       return 1.*(u>0) + par1*(u<0)*(np.exp(u))
Proposed solution

Among other pausible solutions, here a very simple but not scalable (hidden layers point of view) is listed. A more elaborate solution is the one used along with the Backpropagation simulation.

  • Highlighted lines point out the key idea behind this soution: transform the input dataset, using the HL class to that end, and treat it as the original one.

  • The hosgdFunELMSoftMax class is identical to the hosgdFunSoftMax saved for the part shown below.

class hosgdFunELMSoftMax(hosgdOptProb):
    r""" F(W)   = (1/N) \sum_n f_n(Z)
         f_n(W) = < Zn, Wl_n > + log( \sum_l e^{ -< Zl, Wl >} )

    def __init__(self, X, Y, nClass, HL, Xtest=None, Ytest=None, lmbd=0,
                 gNormOrd=2, Nstats=5, verbose=10, initSol=None):

        self.Xorig = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.nClass = nClass
        self.Xorigtest = Xtest
        self.Ytest = Ytest
        self.lmbd = lmbd
        self.Nstats   = Nstats
        self.gNormOrd = gNormOrd
        self.verbose  = verbose
        self.initSol  = initSol      #  if not None --> reproducible initial solution

        self.HL = HL
        self.X = self.HL.fwd( self.Xorig )
        self.Xtest = self.HL.fwd( self.Xorigtest )

    # ---------
class hosgdFunHL(object):

    def __init__(self, hlRows=-1, hlFun=hosgdDef.hlFun.dense, actFun=None, par1=None, par2=None):

        self.par1   = par1
        self.par2   = par2

        self.hlFun  = hlFun
        self.hlRows = hlRows

        self.Adense = None

        self.AFclass = hosgdFunAF(actFun=actFun, par1=par1, par2=par2)
        self.actFun = self.AFclass.sel_AF()


    def sel_HL(self):
      switcher = {
          hosgdDef.hlFun.dense.val:  self.hlDense,

      hlFun = switcher.get(self.hlFun.val, "nothing")

      self.fwd = lambda u: hlFun(u)


    # --- === ---

    def hlDenseInit(self, Xorig):

        rng = np.random.default_rng()
        if self.hlRows == -1:
           self.Adense = rng.normal(size=[int(Xorig.shape[0]/2), Xorig.shape[0]] )
           self.Adense = rng.normal(size=[self.hlRows, Xorig.shape[0]] )

        self.Adense /= np.linalg.norm(self.Adense, axis=0)

    def hlDense(self, u ):

        if self.Adense is None:

        return self.actFun( self.Adense.dot(u), False )
class hosgdFunAF(object):

    def __init__(self, actFun, par1=None, par2=None):
        self.actFun = actFun
        self.par1   = par1
        self.par2   = par2

    def sel_AF(self):
      switcher = {
          hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU.val:  self.afReLu,
          hosgdDef.actFun.RReLU.val: self.afRReLu,
          hosgdDef.actFun.ELU.val:   self.afELU,

      if self.actFun is None:
         afFun = self.afIdentity
         afFun = switcher.get(self.actFun.val, None)

      func = lambda u,flag: afFun(u,flag)

      return func

    # --- === ---

    def afIdentity(self, u, flag):

        return u

    # --- === ---

    def afReLu(self, u, flag):

        if flag is False:
           return np.maximum(u,0)
           return 1.*(u>0)

    # --- === ---

    def afRReLu(self, u, flag):


    # --- === ---

    def afELU(self, u, flag):

        if self.par1 is None:
           self.par1 = 0.5

        if flag is False:
           return np.maximum(u,0) + self.par1*np.min( np.exp(u)-1,0)
           return 1.*(u>0) + self.par1*(u<0)*(np.exp(u))

Full solution


import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
from scipy import signal

from scipy.special import softmax,logsumexp

import matplotlib.pylab as PLT
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

import HoSGDdefs as hosgdDef
from HoSGDdefs import hosgdOptProb

import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'  # Disbales TF's warnings (they don' shown in generated HTML)

# Note: TF is used to have a simple access to MNIST
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10

from HoSGDlabSGD import hosgdFunSoftMax, hosgdHyperFunSGD, hosgdSGD, stdPreproc
from HoSGDlabSGDVariants import hosgdMTM, hosgdRMSProp, hosgdADAM, plotSGDStatsList

Routines to execute example and plot results

def exMultiClass(nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, dataset='mnist', lrPolicy=hosgdDef.lrSGD.Cte, lrSDecay=20, lrTau = 0.5, verbose=5):

    # Examples
    #  w, stats = exMultiClass(40, 128, 0.025, dataset='cifar10',verbose=20)

    # --- Load data
    # -------------------

    flagDataset = False

    if dataset.lower() == 'mnist':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = mnist.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if dataset.lower() == 'cifar10':
       (X, Y), (Xtest, Ytest) = cifar10.load_data()
       flagDataset = True

    if flagDataset is False:
       print('Dataset {} is no valid'.format(dataset))

    if verbose == 1:
       print('Shape (training data):', X.shape)
       print('Shape (valid/testing data):', Xtest.shape)

    # pre-processing
    X     = stdPreproc(X)
    Xtest = stdPreproc(Xtest)

    # Data vectorization
    X     = np.transpose( X.reshape(X.shape[0], np.array(X.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Xtest = np.transpose( Xtest.reshape(Xtest.shape[0], np.array(Xtest.shape[1::]).prod()) )
    Y     = Y.ravel()
    Ytest = Ytest.ravel()

    # --- Optimization model
    # ----------------------

    OptProb = hosgdFunSoftMax(X, Y, 10, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    # --- Hidden Layer (not trainable --> ELM)
    # ----------------------

    elmId   = hosgdFunHL(hlRows=512, actFun=None)
    elmReLU = hosgdFunHL(hlRows=512, actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ReLU)
    elmELU  = hosgdFunHL(hlRows=512, actFun=hosgdDef.actFun.ELU)

    elmIOptProb = hosgdFunELMSoftMax(X, Y, 10, elmId, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    elmReLUOptProb = hosgdFunELMSoftMax(X, Y, 10, elmReLU, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    elmELUOptProb = hosgdFunELMSoftMax(X, Y, 10, elmELU, verbose=verbose, Xtest=Xtest, Ytest=Ytest)

    # --- HyperPar (this is kept in order to have a similar structure to the SD case (see Lab 1a)
    # ------------

    hyperP = hosgdHyperFunSGD(lrPolicy=lrPolicy, lrSDecay=lrSDecay, lrTau=lrTau)

    W = []
    stats = []
    nameVar = []

    # --- Call SGD
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdSGD(OptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)

    # --- Call SGD+linear hidden layer
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdSGD(elmIOptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)
    nameVar.append('SGD -- Linear HL')

    # --- Call SGD+ELM+ReLU
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdSGD(elmReLUOptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)
    nameVar.append('SGD -- ELM, ReLU')

    # --- Call SGD+ELM+ELU
    # -----------
    sol = hosgdSGD(elmELUOptProb, nEpoch, blkSize, alpha, hyperP)
    nameVar.append('SGD -- ELM, ELU')

    # --- Plot results
    # ----------------

    plotSGDStatsList(stats, nameVar)

    return W, stats

def plotSGDStatsList(stats,nameVar):

  # --- Plot results ---

  L = len(stats)

  ax = PLT.figure().gca()

  for k in range(L):
      PLT.plot(stats[k][:,1], label=r'{0}'.format(nameVar[k]) )

  PLT.legend(loc='upper right')
  PLT.ylabel('Softmax', fontsize=16)
  PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
  PLT.title('Loss function', fontsize=20)

  if stats[0][0,4] is not None:

    ax = PLT.figure().gca()

    for k in range(L):
        PLT.plot(stats[k][:,4] )

    PLT.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=16)
    PLT.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=16)
    PLT.title('Success rate (test)', fontsize=20)


Simple Simulation (CIFAR-10)

import HoSGDlabAF  as HAF

sol = HAF.exMultiClass(40, 128, 0.025, dataset='cifar10',verbose=-1)

Sim Sim